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« Baldaty » A company dealing with municipal supplies for all municipalities « Baldaty » Trafic Signal / Trafic Equipment / Ur Urban Furniture and Recycling / Horticulture Equipment / Urban and Home Flower Planter « Baldaty » Let us know how we can help you
Traffic Signalization Poles & Gantries
Traffic Signalization Poles & Gantries
These structures may be of various types, such as polygonal, square or circular cross-section. According to customer requests, the structure may be designed either as polygonal, round or square section type. Especially the polygonal signalization structures are ergonomic due to their simple construction. The diameter of the body gets narrower towards the notice board, and this shape catches the attention of the drivers more efficiently.

These poles are specifically designed according to the number of the traffic signboards, dimensions, signal requirements and place of installation such as intersections or roadways.

Since the design calculation is very important, Signboard dimensions and weight should be defined in contract.

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