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Stadium Lighting Poles
Stadium Lighting Poles
The number of floodlights is variable depending on the size of the area to be illuminated and intensity of the light, which is determined as a result of the Lighting calculation to be given by the customer with the pole length. Common features of these poles are that the most upper body of the where the floodlight is to be installed should be inclined to the Lighting direction with a certain angle, and there should be a frame system on which a working platform and floodlights are to be fixed. In addition, Mitaş Poles can provide technical support to the customers for the lighting calculation.

Stadium Lighting poles can be manufactured at any size, and or the manufacturing is carried out by joining more than one steel body of polygonal section up to 50 m height using the slip-joint method.

Mitaş pole types, which are developed in accordance with customer requirements as well as our special designs, which are well-accepted throughout the world, are mainly as follows depending on the climbing system;

Stadium Lighting poles with caged ladders,
Stadium Lighting poles with internal ladders,
Stadium Lighting poles with man power lift.

The most important feature that distinguishes the poles from each other is the climbing system. In poles with caged ladder, there are safety steel bar rings which provide safety during climbing. In the internal ladder system, safety systems based on the customer’s requirements can be installed.

Apart from these two types of stadium lighting poles, there is a new type of pole with a different climbing system which Mitaş Poles developed in accordance with the customer requirements. In this type of the poles, safe climbing is ensured by means of man power lift with basket or by a basket outside the poles. The basket may carry up to 450 kg of weight. The most important advantage of the system is that one portable system can be used with more than one pole. The sufficiently light basket and climbing mechanism assembled on it may be stored in an indoor area for further needs.

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