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Sewage treatment plants technology
Sewage treatment plants technology
How it works:
The small sewage treatment plant works like a variant of the proved and tested activated sludge method of sewage treatment, but without a separate primary settlement tank.
The plant cleans the inflowing waste water biologically. We offer two options:

1. Direct discharge of the purified waste water from the settlement tank. 
The residual sludge will remain in the tank, where it accumulates in the course of time. It will then be established during the maintenance, how much sludge must be removed.

2. The operating mode of the sewage treatment plant does not change, but the excess sludge will be regularly pumped into a sludge module (see p. 6), where it will be further processed. The removal of sludge is no longer necessary. The sludge from the AUTARK sewage treatment plant can be reduced to a minimum after having been dewatered.
The reduction of the volume amounts to about 75 %.
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