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« Baldaty » A company dealing with municipal supplies for all municipalities « Baldaty » Trafic Signal / Trafic Equipment / Ur Urban Furniture and Recycling / Horticulture Equipment / Urban and Home Flower Planter « Baldaty » Let us know how we can help you
Road Lighting Poles
Road Lighting Poles
Standard poles consisting of one-piece for a pole height of up-to 12 m, and more than one steel body of polygonal section for heights of more than 12 m; our pole body calculation is designed to bear maximum 4 brackets.

Standard Lighting poles are manufactured at each available size, in accordance with EN 40, TEDAŞ, AASHTO, BS5649, BS6399, NV65, ILE, BSI CP 3, ASCE Manual 72 standards and International manuals.

For lighting poles, various types of brackets are available in our product range.

The most preferred ones are illustrated below:

Standard pipe bracket ( Single, Double, Triple and Quadruple based on customer requirements )
Curved bracket with octagonal section (Manufactured as a single-piece together with the pole). R = 500 – 2000 mm (Depending on customer’s request)
Curved pipe bracket R = 500 – 2000 mm (Depending on customer’s request)
In addition, brackets of each size and form can be manufactured upon customer request for decorative purposes.

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