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High Mast Poles
High Mast Poles
High masts with a very wide usage field can be used for lighting purposes in squares, intersections and roundabouts, sea-ports, airports, sports areas, bus terminals, historical and touristic places, etc.

Highmasts are manufactured at various sizes, and the pole may have one galvanized polygonal section steel body or more than one steel bodies joined by the slip-joint method.

Galvanised steel poles produced by Mitas Poles are computer designed based on up-to-date technologies and meet the customer requirements of quality, safety and durability.

High masts are available in various types, which include platform (PL), step bolts and Rungs (PM), ladder with safety cage (KM), internal ladder (IM), man power lift system (AS) types.

High masts can be manufactured as single-direction, two-direction and circular multi-directional types according to floodlight orientation, depending on the customer’s requirements.

As for floodlighting poles, in cases where a platform is not required or designed with platforms, they are manufactured in a single-direction and in two directions with a rectangular platform, with a tilted head frame or with a circular platforms which allow the lights to be distributed through 360˚ all directions.

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